Thursday, June 24, 2010

today and crap

Okay so today was really not productive but it was fun, I guess. Spent the day with yenanana. I met her, Tiara and Legacy at the hotel and Tiara and Legacy went to the pool and we went to the PX to get magazines and swimsuits and other crap.

I never usually don't have my ration card, which you need to get in the PX, so I usually just whip out a camera and start filming the lady that checks the cards, and she goes 'ummmmm' and lets me in. But THIS Monster Sinister Lady's just got these hawk eyes that like shoot you down and she just WOULDN'T BUDGE and she seriously scanned the place like a sprinkler. So I was just like 'HEY CAN I BORROW YOUR RATION CARD' to this random guy and he was all 'wtf..okay' so I took both cards to the lady and the lady just STARED AT THE CARDS FOR LIKE HALF A CENTURY and she was like... "YOU WIN THIS ROUND, BITCH".
So we finally got in the damn PX and the swimsuits were pretty crappish so yenanana decided she'll get them later. I picked up some magazines and went back to her hotel, and met Legacy.

And then the Swede came and we just hung out. Pasta. Shoe flinging. He.

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