Saturday, October 2, 2010

In the Streets of Myeongdong: True Heaven and Hell

Yesterday, Lauren, Jacklyn, Grace and I took a cab to Myeongdong. We went to Forever21, H&M, and had a grand ol' time. I got my top, my DARLING bracelet (which I spent fifty minutes deciding whether I should get the bracelet or the rings) and a necklace. Grace started her shoe collection with two Vans, one red, and one ivory. They're cute. I, OF COURSE, suggested the ivory, which goes unbelievably good with Grace. And Lauren got her stripey stripe and Jacklyn got some accessories I guess. I DON'T KNOW. But I thought Yena should know this for her catalogues.

And then we went to Starbucks.

It's really a funny story. I ordered a hibiscus chai, and the lady forgot to take my money and so I just sat down at my table. I was trying to get the lid off, so I considered asking Grace to do it, but I just said What the Hell and opened it my self, viciously. I think the liquid in there was around 289492830482048204023024022482393402 degrees Fahrenheit, and I soon realized it as it poured all over my fingers. I yelped, and jumped five feet in the air and everyone in the entire cafe turned to look. I just gave them a sheepish smile and soaked my hands continuously, against the advice of Grace and Jacklyn, who were convinced to extremes were 'REALLY BAD' and I SHOULDN'T soak in running cool water.

Anyway, we got some ice and started off again, my hand wasn't TOO bad. We walked for fifty minutes trying to hail a damn taxi, and my hand started stinging and throbbing and swelling. All hell broke loose. We were walking, when my hand REALLY REALLY needed some running water. It was not funny at ALL. We went into Shinsegae, and of course the restroom was on the second floor. We finally get there, and of course the sink I choose is the hot water one. I soak my hands for a couple minutes, and Larson decides it's really bad so we go into the employee area, (which wasn't faculty, so it wasn't free for all) and took an elevator. OF COURSE, the elevator goes down, when we're trying to get to the twelfth floor. Of course, it goes down again. And from there, the elevator stopped at EVERY. GOD. DAMN. STOP. IN. THE. ENTIRE. BUILDING... I started crying at this point because my hand started stinging sooo soooo sooooo badly and the GODFORSAKEN elevator was stopping and stopping and I think I could crawl up faster at that point.

So anyway, we treat my hand in the mummy thing and Larson's mom picks us up. Jacques and Grox come to my house. We have fun with facebook:
i mean them except jack aand u and diana and jacklyn and put lauren in there

as I dunk my hand for five straight hours, from five to ten. My hands were raisins, but they're SOOO much better now. I can function my left hand. Which is why I'm typing this today, not yesterday.

By the way, for Yena's reference:

Jisu - Jeremiah
Grace - Grox
Jacklyn - Jacques
Diana - Donna
Anh - Kawn
Lauren - Larson
Megan - Reppers

Alright, I have a project potluck appointment today, so I'm gonna go, KK?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Update for Ostrich

Okay, so this is an update post. I'm going to write like a few words on everything because I'll try to cover a lot.

Grace and I are taking Diana's vice president campaign very seriously, and we're positive she's going to win.


Adam has become so faggy and Craig Rivet-y, it's not even funny.

Math is soooo easy.

Jihye is a Blue Teamer, and she's very obnoxious about it.

Yes, we have Poker Night, and next week is Grace's edition.

We visit Miss Geesa everyday after school and she's very cool. We harass her and give her headaches but she's still so nice. OH BTW, WHAT'S HER PHONE NUMBER? Do you still have it?

Avery is running for president. She's most likely to win.

Ms. Shimabokuro is not that bad.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Texas Hold'em with the crew

So it all started with us arranging to have a Poker night at Lauren's house. And then we just had so much fun we knew we had to do it again. And again and again and again.

Lauren, Grace and Jacklyn all came and had a good time playing poker and Clue. Lauren's sister came in a switched things up and left us feeling empty and strange but it was still very enjoyable. Jacklyn left early due to Nunopi, and so the three of us stayed to play a little more poker, (and I cleared the boards- literally, wiped them ALL in) and then played some flicky things.

Hard to explain.

But anyway. We decided on Poker Club. Every Friday, one of the four hosts a poker party at their house. It's from right after school to whenever (dinner included). Each house has a signature board game, since it's never JUST poker we play. My house is Monopoly, Lauren is Clue, Jacklyn is Monopoly City and Grace is Truth and Dare Jenga. We have our definite members, then guests that can come anytime they wish. THIS is pretty awesome dude.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hey, Brah, where's the funk?

Today started off with perfect weather, even though we didn't have school because of some typhoon. Russell Kim kept wanting to hang out so Grace and I met him at Pi at around two. I noticed there was some glass on the street and couple trees were horizontal.

We met, went to the Korean elementary school and started talking to random people. We went inside, and got noticed, ran, hid, etc. We walked the track, played some baseball, and then went to this artistic handmade cake place called Andersen. It's a bit pricey but DAMN. That was some GOOD cake.

We went back to the school, I think, hung out, talked to people, kicked stuff and had a bucket of fun, but my mom called so I had to go home to eat a ham and avacado sandwich with peach slices. I met up with Grace and Russell again, we went back to the school and then we left, after meeting some JiHee. We went to the playground, and made Russell spin the spinny thing and did awkward positions, and slide slidings. Russell hopped a fence and disappeared without a bye.

Grace and I went to the Xi playground where I put my coat on, and rid on unicorns, (My pony was Jeff, until I turned it into a unicorn by sticking a piece of grass into its head) And then we went to my house and ate dinner, watched Oprah, threw my grandmother's underwear on Grace's face, bobbed knees, kept it funky, wrote a script and Facebook stalked.

AND THERE'S NO SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT FOUR DAYS. So Grace and I made plans to shoot some stuff for Weekly Ostrich. We kinda gave it up and pushed it off until now, but we're thinking about doing some films like music videos and sketches. This'll be interesting.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Ultimate Adventure

You know my friend Val, she has a sister named Rachel. They threw this HUGE party and all these girls were running around and Rachel and Val suggested that they watch a scary movie. Some girl didn't want to and we spent fifty hours trying to convince to watch it. You know that moment when everyone is trying to convince that one person who don't get the system? It was like that. So we finally watch it and I don't remember it being that scary for me, but it was obviously EXTREMELY scary. i don't know if this was while we were watching it, or this was in the movie that we were watching, but people started disappearing. One by one, each person vaporized into thin air. Soon, there was nothing but emptiness.

And then all of a sudden, we're on a playground. All the girls were standing on the woodchips, plus some guys too this time. There was one girl sitting at the bottom of one of those pink plastic slides, talking on her phone. Someone pointed out that it was Selena Gomez. I look closely and it IS her. Other people on the playground have noticed but weren't saying anything, or approaching her. I went up to her, and the people I was with came too. I sat down next to her, and my friends kinda crowded around her, and Selena Gomez hung up her phone and started laughing. I guess she wasn't counting on people actually approaching her, so she can go in public and actually have privacy. I think I asked for a picture.

All of a sudden, I'm watching a documentary. About Wizards of Waverly Place. Selena Gomez is walking down a pebble bridge over a stream of lilies. She's walking through this rock tunnel. This woman's voice narrates. "It was a phenomenon. She made wizards COOL again."

BAM! I'm in my mom's room. I hear my dad teaching some foreigner English in the living room.

And then i woke up.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Today was a productive day.

Okay. So. Grace and I got our schedules and found we had two classes together. Bleh. We're seeing if we can rearrange a couple things so we can have at least three. Which is the most that's even POSSIBLE.


We visited all the teachers. Ms. Reed looks awesome. Mr Bugg thinks we're stalking him. Grace's German teacher looks creepy. Etc.

We left, heading to the PX, ate things, drank things, bought my mom's birthday present (earrings), lost Grace's shot records, found them, went to Alpha, then came to my house and hung out. We ate dinner, painted half of Grace's nails. Grace made her decision terribly unclear helped me choose what I'm going to wear on the first day of school, and didn't help me choose the nail polish to put on. I'm still blank on which to do on both options.

We made 8th grade resolutions and sketched the following people: Grace, Lauren, Me, Yena, Anh, Mr Bugg and his wife, Miss Yoon and her open mouth, Miss Brown looking thin and stylish with her wild Irish hair, Mr Dye looking thinner than ever.

8th grade resolutions:


1) Use locker and keep it neat.

2) Eat healthily.

3) Be painfully honest.

4) mep


1) Dye hair ridiculous color which I will regret later in life.

2) Get all A's.

3) Feed the starving artist in side of me. (Lol. Grace is wierd.)

4) [Manipulate others to make life enjoyable] (Not a part of the list, but she said it. Let's all hope she was joking.]


Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's a habit

to blog in the morning now, I guess? I woke up at 7 and I'm sooooo extremely bored I thought I'd blog for the hell of it. sL:dkjegalskdjfjeihts et

1) Nine year old girls on youtube doing make up tutorials putting on primer, concealer, bronzer, cheek stain, powder, highlighter and calling it a 'light' look. WTF. YOU ARE A CHILD. GO JOIN THE GIRL SCOUTS OR SOMETHING.

2) South Korea. I can't believe I'm here, but I might as well TRY to make it less sucky since I'm here anyway. :}

3) People that have so much time on their hands. I found this on Yahoo Answers Fail: It's basically about this lady (probably ten year old with too much time) who gives advice over email. Ummm. Okay then.

4) The fact that I forgot didn't bring Kumon to LA so I have approximate 39 hours of math ahead of me. I'm pushing it off.

5) Hey hey you you i dont like your girlfriend.